Thursday 10 May 2012

Just another day...

It's just another day it seems. An overcast, chilly spring day. The date is not a mark the calendar kind. I've done 6 loads of laundry with 3 more to go. Dishes are waiting, the bathroom needs scrubbing, my floors need attention from my hands and knees and we all know that the hallways outside my little home would love to be freed from the muddy trails that have made their way in from shoes worn out... Yes it is just another day.


My heart, however, tells me otherwise. There is something about this day that brings an overwhelming sense of emotion. Some would say "Oh, she's just being an artist today" and I smile to myself thinking "Thank you" because I've been learning that it is not always a bad thing.

I have experienced 9,780 days thus far on this earth and each one of those has been as different from each other as any one thing in this world.

How can it be "Just another day" when each one is comprised of completely different tasks, events, people or a lack there of? When each moment carries a different emotion or feeling or desire?

It can't.

We can let ourselves believe it is because it's often easier to just carry on as if there is nothing really important to concern ourselves with.

But it's not Truth.

The truth is: there isn't one moment in time, one strand on a persons head, one grain of sand that is like any other of it's kind and yet we so often choose to ignore the sign's.

The truth is: I have another opportunity to serve my neighbours today through my "cleaning lady" job. I have another chance to say "I've missed you this week" by preparing our home for his arrival. I have another moment that is given to me in order to feel their touch and love through the pain and long for the ones far away and pray with the ones here today... 

"Just another day", my heart says you will have no place in my time-table.


"God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."  Genesis 1:31

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Thank you for sharing musings from your heart...