Monday 14 May 2012

When he comes home...

Monday - Friday he's living in Calgary as he finishes up schooling for welding and I have to admit that at times it's nice having the house to myself once again. 

Please don't get me wrong, I miss him terribly when we're apart. But in spite of that, I would be lying if I didn't admit to the pleasure I feel in leaving the dishes just because I can or to simply have a bowl of cereal for supper if I don't feel like cooking or to leave my socks on the couch where I slipped them off before falling asleep while watching Dancing With The Stars ...

All things I hate to do when he comes home!


Because when he comes home I love to see him smile.

I love to see his face when our tiny home is as tidy as can be after a period of chaos due to busy work schedules.

I love listening to the noises he makes when he eats a meal that I've poured myself into making even if they are forced because I may have royally messed one or two of those dinners up.

I love to watch him fall asleep in my arms on the couch after he's worked hard all week even if it means I have to put his socks in the laundry basket myself.

Life isn't always peachy but it often contain roses when he comes home. Delicate creations that are enchanting to admire and breath in. I realize that the thorns can cause deep pain if not handled in a gracious manner but as we learn and grow together we realize that none of these wounds are insurmountable by the healing grace of forgiveness and love. At times it might be love for each other that can only come from our Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, but it is there...

Monday is gone now and there will be 3 more days where I will only hear his voice for a few minutes on the phone before we drift to sleep. So I keep my hands busy and look forward to when he comes home to me.

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Thank you for sharing musings from your heart...