Thursday 7 March 2013

A Psalm from me... pleading mercy.

Oh God, I'm just going to be real and raw here for a minute because I am sick and I am tired and I just don't feel like going with the flow anymore!

I know you didn't intend for the world to be as it is. When you first spoke life into being, it was good. I understand your heart must break for the brokenness of this world that continues to comb through the lives of the beings you knit together so intricately in the likeness of your image.

Yet illness plagues.
Choices are made.

Lives are
b r o k e n
s h a t t e r e d
t o r n

People are angry. With each other. With you.

Forgiveness is held back.

Bitterness seeps even the hearts of those who claim to love in Your name the same as those who don't and refuse to listen to your voice prompting.

When will the turmoil end?

When will those who are so stubborn realise the damage being caused?

Only You are capable of healing the broken, giving life to the dead in spirit, encompassing those who struggle with You in and of yourself with the peace that passes all understanding...

I do not have all the answers for loved ones lost or brokenness of spirit amongst those who remain searching for understanding... Only faith of a mustard seed do I have tonight as I lay awake angry myself with the life that I cannot control and praying for those I love: some near, some across the way and some who choose to remain far away.

YES... I am frustrated and angry and unheard and overwhelmed!

Oh God I pray that you heal hearts before life takes its final breath...

There is no way of knowing what breath is our last.

This week I found out that a young woman, beautiful God-fearing mother and wife has breathed her last breath here on this earth. I looked up to her when I was young. Her Father, my pastor for years. Vibrant and in love with the Lord. Cancer made it's bed in her body and You allowed her to be healed on this anniversary of her earthly birth by receiving her into Your presence.

Why her? I know she believed but it doesn't ease the pain right now for those loving her and missing her.

Not to long back, my husband lost a brother from his time served. He lived through wars only to pass having fallen asleep driving not far from his home. I've never met him personally but I have heard the stories and I see the love of those who knew him well...
Why him? was he ready to meet you?

What about the other unknowns in this world. So many I grieve and I know we will never get to know where each stands but it doesn't change that I am weak and wish I could...

Of all the people in the world to suffer...


People dying, sin overwhelming, hatred rising, forgiveness ceasing, marriages breaking, children weeping, churches abandon, and NO ONE TAKES RESPONSIBILITY...

Save us from our own destruction God...

Save me from my own pride and rage... I am so VERY weak I am reminded in these days. Talk the talk all I want but you see the depth of my pain. There is no place I can go that you do not see. No emotion that I feel that you have not felt. You know and I know you are near.

Give your creation, your children, the clarity to see You... the desire to submit to Your prompting... Reveal yourself to those who question and run. Draw them to the Truth...

Only You are the example of Love we should look to.
The Author and Perfecter  of our Faith.
The One who knows and has sacrificed it all for our sake.
You alone are worthy to be praised.

Tomorrow will come, but it may not be ours so move swiftly and have mercy on us Lord as this moment is the only one that you have given.

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Thank you for sharing musings from your heart...